From there we hopped in a taxi to head over to Euston Station...

It's really cute getting to experience all this stuff with them for the first time. Mom kept talking about us being on the wrong side of the road, and the wheel was on the wrong side of the car. Then there was a side conversation about if Chinese food in China is just called food. Don't ask, we've been up for 100 years and our overnight sleeper train to Scotland doesn't leave till close to midnight.
We headed down to walk along the Thames and we couldn't help ourselves...

Like I've said before you couldn't cast better people to be my parents. You want more proof. This happened courtesy of the parents when we went to the Tower of London to check out the crown jewels...

My, what big...

Jewels you have! Hi we're all 5, we were giggling taking these pictures. And I think we laughed ourselves into exhaustion...

We're having so much fun!!!

Once we finished off our crown jewels bits, we headed over to Westminster. And again it's just cool to be able to see the parental units get to see all the places they have seen only on tv before...

I think Big Ben and Parliament were a big hit with Mom...

We didn't have to trick her into smiling for the pictures...

I'm still not convinced that it's hit them that they are actually in London yet...

London Bridges Monkey Arms!

Now we are off to get some British grub before we try really really hard not to fall asleep at the train station and miss our ride to Edinburgh. Wish us luck, cheers!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Finally Not on the Train, London
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